Trojan Home Gym Exercise Program
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The power rack is the single most important piece of equipment in any home gym. Training At Home: Power Rack Workout Program. Any diet or exercise program. N Trojan exercise equipment, stuff - Ananzi. Weights,bar,dumpbells,Trojan bench,Trojan Tempo spinning Cycle,Maxxis Wonder core bench,Everlast boxing bag.
. Grip bar just outside athletic stance. Begin with bar just above knees with back locked, shoulders up and abs and chest flexed.
Explode by forcefully shrugging and fully extending hips, knees and ankles. Pull bar up keeping it close to chest. Drop under bar and catch it along front of shoulders in athletic stance Push Jerk.
Begin with bar across clavicles in athletic stance with slight flex in hips, knees and ankles. Rapidly extend hips, knees and ankles to propel bar straight up overhead until arms are fully extended Hang Snatch. Grasp bar with wide grip holding just above knee level. Extend hips, knees and ankles while simultaneously shrugging. Pull bar upward, keeping it close to chest. Drop under bar and catch it overhead in athletic stance Front Squat.
Home Gym Exercise Chart
Hold bar across front of shoulders with elbows high. Begin in athletic stance with toes pointing slightly out. Focus on high point on the wall in front of you. Squat down with control and good posture until thighs are just below parallel. Keep weight back on heels. Drive upward out of squat into starting position. Keep eyes up and chest out.
PRE ASSEMBLY CHECK LIST HARDWARE LIST PARTS LIST ASSEMBLY STEPS FITNESS TIPS & TECHNIQUES CONDITIONING GUIDELINES WARM - UP AND COOL-DOWN EXERCISE PROGRAM 10. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 11. EXPLODED DRAWING 12. TROJAN 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY 13. TROJAN REPAIRS PROCEEDURE 10177-2. SaFeTY InSTrUCTIOnS It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser of TROJAN products to read the owner’s manual, warning labels and instruct all individuals, on proper usage of the equipment. Understanding each and every warning to the fullest is important.
If any of these instructions or warnings are unclear, please contact Trojan Customer Services on 0861 876526 (0861 Trojan), within the Republic of South Africa. SaFeTY InSTrUCTIOnS InSPeCTIOn. Do not use or permit use of any equipment that is damaged or has worn or broken parts. For all TROJAN equipment use only replacement parts supplied by TROJAN. Always make sure that all nuts and bolts are tightened prior to each use. Pre aSSeMBlY CheCK lIST Thank you for choosing the TROJAN CHALLENGER 150 HOME GYM. We take great pride in producing this quality product and hope it will provide many hours of quality exercise to make you feel better, look better and enjoy life to its fullest.
HarDWare lIST (46) 5/16“ x 1” Screws 6 pieces (69) 5/16“ x 2-3/4“ Hex Bolt 2 pieces (49) 3/8“ x 3-1/4” Hex Bolt 4 pieces (48) 3/8“ x 4” Hex Bolt 2 pieces (50) 3/8“ x 2-3/4” Hex Bolt 1 piece (51) 3/8“. HarDWare lIST (44) 3/8“ x 19mm Washers 56 pieces (43) 5/12“ X 16mm Washers 14 pieces (4 pieces pre-assembled to no. (56) 1/2“ x 47mm (Pack Weight Plate) 1 piece (59) 3/8“ x 1” (pre-assembled to 40 & 41) 1 piece (63) 1/2“.
ParTS lIST ILLUSTRATION DESCRIPTION Support Tube T-Tube Horizontal Beam Guide Tube Ridge Tube Seat Beam Leg Beam Lat Bar Back Cushion Seat Cushion Connecting Part Butterfly Arm (Left) Butterfly Arm (Right) 10177-8. ParTS lIST ILLUSTRATION DESCRIPTION Leg Beam Support Tube Pulley Bracket Floating Pulley Bracket (A & B) Handle Pipe Pulley Arm Foam Roller (Pre-assembled to 12 & 13) End Cap 1” End Cap (40 x 80mm) End Cap (50.8mm) End Cap (30 x 60mm) Round End Cap 50.8mm (Pre-assembled to 12 &. ParTS lIST ILLUSTRATION DESCRIPTION Roller Tube Lower Lat Bar Cable 4050mm Cable 2335mm Cable 2760mm Chain Leg Foam Roller 7” Snap Hook Knob (Pre-assembled to 41 & 59) Press Pin Rubber Ring End Cap (20 x 40mm) End Cap (50 x 50mm) Fixing Pin (Packed with Weight Plate) Black Fixing Bushing (Packed with Weight Plate). 5. ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 1 Note: Four 3/8” x 19mm Washers (44) and four 3/8” x 1” Bolts (46) have been attached to the Guide Tubes (4).
Please remove these first, then follow the assembly steps. Slide one Rubber Ring (42) onto each of the Guide Tubes (4). Place the 40 x 80mm End Cap (21) into the Horizontal Beam (3) and then insert the Guide Tubes (4) into the Horizontal Beam (3). ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 3. Attach the Connecting Part (11) to the Ridge Tube (5), securing them with one 1/2” x 6” Bolt (62), two 1/2” x 26mm Washers (63), two Brass Colour Bushings (70) and one 1/2” Nut (64).
ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 4. Attach the Seat Beam (6) to the Support Tube (1).
Secure these together using the Fitting Plate (27), four 3/8” x 19mm Washers (44), two 3/8” x 2“ Bolts (54) and two 3/8” Nuts (45). ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 5 Thread the Cable (35) through the Pulleys on the Brackets as show:. Attach Pulley No.1 (18) to the Ridge Tube (5) using one 3/8” x 1-3/4” Bolt (51), two 3/8” x 19mm Washers (44) and one 3/8” Lock Nut (45). ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 6 Thread the Cable (36) through the Pulleys on the Brackets as show:. Attach both ends of Cable (36) to the Right and Left Butterfly Arms (12, 13) using two 3/8” x 1 ¼ Bolts (67), two 3/8” w/o Nylon Nuts (72), two 3/8”. ASSeMBlY STePS STeP 7 Thread the Cable (52) through the Pulleys on the Brackets as show:.
Free Home Gym Exercise Program
Attach Pulley No.8 (18) to the Leg Beam (7) using one 3/8” x 66mm Bolt (50), two 3/8” x 19mm Washers (44) and one 3/8”. FITneSS TIPS anD TeChnIQUeS AEROBIC EXERCISE Aerobic exercise is any sustained activity that sends oxygen to your muscles via your heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise improves the fitness of your lungs and heart - your body’s most important muscle. Aerobic exercise fitness is promoted by any activity that uses your large muscles (arms, legs, or buttock, for example).Your heart beats quickly and you breathe deeply. COnDITIOnIng gUIDelIneS How you begin your exercise program depends on your physical condition. If you have been inactive for several years, or are severely overweight, you must start slowly and increase your time on the equipment; a few minutes per workout. Initially, you may be able to exercise only for a few minutes in your target zone, however, your aerobic fitness will improve over the next six to eight weeks.
WarM-UP anD COOl-DOWn WOrKOUT gUIDelIneS Each workout should include the following three parts: A warm-up, consisting of 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and light exercise. A proper warm-up increases your body temperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparation for exercise. Training zone exercise, consisting of 20 to 30 minutes of exercising with your heart rate in your training zone. THE WORKOUT The Warm Up Always warm up thoroughly before each workout session to help minimise the risk of injury.Warm up on any Trojan exercise bike or treadmill or any other similar machine. Weekly Routine Perform a weight training routine 3 times per week, ensuring a day of rest and recovery between sessions.
EXerCISe PrOgraM Reps and Sets Repetitions (Reps) is the term used to denote the number of consecutive times a certain movement is repeated without a break, while Sets denotes how many times you should repeat that exercise in a training session e.g. 3 sets of 10 reps means you should perform 10 reps for 1 set, have a break and then repeat another 2 sets. FreQUenTlY aSKeD QUeSTIOnS Q1.
How do I maintain my cables? The cables work in conjunction with the pulleys.When assembling the unit; make sure not to over tighten the pulleys. The pulleys are meant to move freely. Before your workout; make sure all the cables are lined up correctly on the pulleys.
EXPlODeD DraWIng 10177-23. Consumer upon collection or delivery of the repaired product. The Consumer does not need to return the product to the store. The Consumer shall phone the Trojan hotline on 0861 876526 (0861 Trojan) and the Manufacturer’s authorized agent will at its discretion either repair the item at the Consumer’s residence or collect and repair the item at their premises.
TrOJan rePaIrS PrOCeDUre 1. Procedure for repairs Should you experience any faults or breakdowns on your Trojan equipment, please adhere to the following procedure to have the fault rectified speedily and professionally. Do not return the product to the store.