Style Tap Android Torrent
Palm Treo devotees and those longing to run some old apps on their new Android smartphones can rejoice! StyleTap has just released a platform for Google’s operating system, allowing users to take a stroll down memory lane. StyleTrap’s emulator is likely to be most popular among enterprise customers, and not just because of its $49.95 price tag. With the StyleTap platform for Android, companies that created special-purpose apps for their employees, back in the days when the was wildly-successful, will not have to re-write the software, as it can now run on modern Android devices. With all of the internal hardware and software functions of a normal Palm OS device supported by the emulator, users can run many of the 20,000 applications that once defined the app world, such as supported barcode scanners and database applications. The program runs on smartphones and tablets running Android 2.0 or later and supports applications written for 5.2 platform or earlier. Those interested in testing out the program but not looking to shell out $50 can try the demo version for 14 days.
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- StyleTap Platform enables PalmOS applications to run on PocketPC hardware platforms.
- Download the official BitTorrent Frequently Asked Questions for. Use Tab with new ToolBar (AppCompat v7-21). Download Tap Tap Revenge 4.
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The emulator is currently available to download, via sideloading only, from StyleTap’s website.
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