
Split Screen Game

The state of split-screen gaming. Battlefront as one of the few AAA games to include split-screen cooperative play across all of its game types. More Split Screen Game videos. Kongregate free online game Split Screen Galore - Blast your opponent to smithereens in this fast-paced, high-quality game. Features: -Over 1 w. Play Split Screen.

Is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Please look over our and before posting. If you're looking for 'lighter' gaming-related entertainment, try!


The goal of is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers. FINAL UPDATE: I've moved this table over to, where it will stay and be updated for the foreseeable future. Note that this list is only for PC games. I should have put that in the title, apologies. I couldn't find a list of this, so I figured I'd compile one to add to.

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Split screen games for xbox one

I think many people could find this incredibly helpful, especially since controller use is becoming more prevalent and the Steam Machines are just around the corner. So far I've found the following games support this feature, please suggest more if you know of any!

Native (Steam): Game Name Type of local multi-player Controller Support OS' Supported Notes Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN 60 extra co-op specific levels Single-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN All players must have a controller. Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Split-screen TRUE WIN Versus Split-screen TRUE WIN OS X and Linux support coming. Versus Split-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Versus or cooperative Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Co-op versions of all modes are available. Requires at least one controller - 2 keyboard/mouse will not work. Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Greenlit, not yet released on Steam Single-screen TRUE WIN All players must have a controller. Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Hot Seat FALSE WIN Requires the Complete Edition. Hot Seat FALSE WIN/OS X Hot Seat FALSE WIN/OS X Single-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen FALSE WIN/OS X Single-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Split-screen TRUE WIN Uses GFWL Single-screen TRUE WIN/ Versus only Split-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Single-screen FALSE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Versus.

Linux support not available on Steam version Split-screen FALSE WIN Versus Split-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN Hot Seat TRUE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Single-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen FALSE WIN/OS X Versus Split-screen TRUE WIN Versus Single-screen TRUE WIN Co-op in single-player campaign. OS X and Linux support planned Single-screen FALSE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Single-screen TRUE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN Uses GFWL.



Co-op campaign. Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Split-screen TRUE WIN Co-op campaign Single-screen TRUE WIN Versus and cooperative modes. The OP has gotten too large so I've separated the non-Steam and hackable games into this post. I hate to ask, but if you could upvote this for visibility it'd be appreciated. Native (Other): Game Name Type of local multi-player Controller Support OS' Supported Notes Split screen FALSE WIN?? OS X Single-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Linux support is planned. Co-op and versus.


Single-screen TRUE WIN Split-screen TRUE WIN Split-screen TRUE WIN? FALSE WIN /OS X/LIN? Single-screen TRUE WIN Hot Seat? WIN/OS X/LIN? Hot Seat FALSE WIN/OS X?

WIN/OS X/LIN? Hot Seat FALSE WIN /OS X/LIN? FALSE WIN Single-screen TRUE WIN Hackable: Game Name Type of local multi-player Controller Support OS' Supported Notes Split-screen TRUE WIN Split-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Split-screen TRUE WIN/OS X Split-screen TRUE WIN/OS X/LIN Split-screen TRUE WIN.