
Jumpstart Spanish - Pc/mac

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Spanish Pc Software

Jumpstart Spanish (PC & Mac) [Old Version] Software download torrent. Welcome to Softwarer - Jumpstart Spanish (PC & Mac) [Old Version] for PC & Mac, Windows, OSX, Linux. Striking cut-backs related to Minimised charge Jumpstart Spanish (PC & Mac) [Old Version] internet, Your specifications reasonably priced great a good solid Jumpstart.

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Description. Jumpstart Spanish CD-ROM The complete Spanish preparedness program for preschool, Kindergarten and 1st Grade. In JumpStart Spanish, children 3-6 join Mr. Hopsalot from JumpStart Kindergarten on a special visit to his clubhouse, high atop a large oak tree. Introduce your child to a second language during their critical formative years. Learn hundreds of useful words and phrases, sing songs and learn about Spanish culture in a fun and playful way.

Accents In Spanish Pc

Also includes a toggle that allows Spanish-speaking families to use JumpStart Spanish to introduce their child to the English language. Exclusive Adaptive Learning Technology automatically adjusts skill levels to match advancing abilities. Recent child development research indicates that children are most receptive to language learning at a young age.